var History = function($container, options) { if(typeof $container === 'undefined') return; var H = this; var defaults = { timelineLength : .65, // length of timeline based on circle in decimal pct chapterSelector : '.ui-chapter', duration: 1, autoSwitchInterval: 4, currentIndex: 0, functions: {} }; if(typeof options !== 'undefined') jQuery.extend(defaults, options); H.options = defaults; H.interval = new TimelineMax(); H.$object = { container : $container, headline : $container.find('.chapter-headline'), copy : $container.find('.chapter-copy'), image : $container.find('.chapter-image'), timeline: { container : $container.find('.timeline-container'), svgContainer : $container.find('.timeline-container .ui-timelines'), svgTimeline : $container.find('.timeline-container .ui-timelines svg').last().find('circle'), chapters : $container.find('.timeline-container '+H.options.chapterSelector) } }; //console.log('History objects', H.$object); init(); function init() { if(_.isFunction(H.options.functions.onInit)) H.options.functions.onInit({timestamp:new Date()}); init_circles(); jQuery(document).on('click', H.options.chapterSelector, function(e) { chapterClick(e); }); autoSwitch(); }// init() function autoSwitch() { H.interval = new TimelineMax({loop:true});, H.options.autoSwitchInterval, {onComplete:function() { //H.options.currentIndex = get_next_index(); //update_chapter(); var nextIndex = get_next_index(); //console.log('jump to next chapter', H.options.currentIndex, nextIndex); H.$object.timeline.chapters.eq(nextIndex).click(); //; }}); }// autoSwitch function chapterClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); H.interval.kill(); var $clicked = jQuery(e.currentTarget); ////console.log('CHAPTER CLICKED', $clicked); H.$object.timeline.chapters.removeClass('current-chapter'); $clicked.addClass('current-chapter'); //var timelinePCT = $clicked.attr('data-pct'), H.options.currentIndex = $clicked.index(); //console.log('clicked index', chapterIndex); //update_timeline(timelinePCT); update_chapter(); autoSwitch(); }// chapterClick() function update_timeline(pct) {$object.timeline.svgTimeline, 1, {drawSVG:('0 '+pct+'%'), ease:Strong.easeOut}); } function get_next_index() { var nextIndex = H.options.currentIndex +1; if(nextIndex >= H.$object.timeline.chapters.length) nextIndex = 0; return nextIndex; } function update_chapter(index) { var timelinePCT = H.$object.timeline.chapters.eq(H.options.currentIndex).attr('data-pct'); update_timeline(timelinePCT); var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.staggerTo([H.$object.headline, H.$object.image, H.$object.copy], H.options.duration *.25, {autoAlpha: 0},.1); tl.add(function() { H.$object.headline.html(H.options.chapters[ H.options.currentIndex ].title); H.$object.copy.html(H.options.chapters[ H.options.currentIndex ].copy); H.$object.image.css({ 'background-image' : 'url(' + H.options.chapters[ H.options.currentIndex ].img.src + ')' }); }); tl.staggerTo([H.$object.headline, H.$object.image, H.$object.copy], H.options.duration *.25, {autoAlpha: 1, clearProps:'opacity, visibility'},.1); }// update_chapter() function init_circles() { // calculate maxRadius H.maxRadius = convert_degrees(H.options.timelineLength, 'pct-deg'); // draw the base timeline circle to fit maxRadius H.$object.timeline.svgContainer.find('circle').each(function(i) { TweenMax.set(this, {drawSVG:(i > 0 ? '0% 0%' : ('0% '+ (H.options.timelineLength *100) +'%'))}); }); // distribute chapters according to maxRadius circle_distribution(H.$object.timeline.chapters, H.maxRadius, {onElem:position_label}); // rotate timeline Circles so they visually fit the copy on the left TweenMax.set(H.$object.timeline.svgContainer, {rotation:-(H.maxRadius*.5) }); }// init_circles() function circle_distribution($elems, maxRadius, functions) { if(typeof functions === 'undefined') functions = {}; var $parent = $elems.parent(); var radius = $parent.width() *.5; //console.log('distribute radius', radius); var angleShift = convert_degrees(H.maxRadius*.5, 'deg-rad'); // to fit the circles' rotation we have to shift the angle var angle = 0 - angleShift; //var $elems = $parent.find(elem); var pi = Math.PI; var n = $elems.length; var circle_distance = pi*2 / n; if(typeof maxRadius !== 'undefined') { circle_distance *= convert_degrees(maxRadius, 'deg-pct'); // distribute distances to maxRadius circle_distance += circle_distance/(n-1);// make sure last point is at the end of maxRadius } $elems.each(function(i) { ////console.log('distribute angle', convert_degrees((angle+angleShift), 'rad-deg'), 'distr pct', convert_degrees(convert_degrees((angle+convert_degrees(H.maxRadius*.5, 'deg-rad')), 'rad-deg'), 'deg-pct')); var $thisElem = jQuery(this); var posX = radius + radius * Math.cos(angle); var posY = radius + radius * Math.sin(angle); var pctX = get_pctPos_from_pxPos(posX, (radius *2)); var pctY = get_pctPos_from_pxPos(posY, (radius *2)); $thisElem.css({ 'left' : pctX + '%', 'top' : pctY + '%' }); if(_.isFunction(functions.onElem)) functions.onElem($thisElem, { angle:{ radians: (angle + angleShift), degrees: convert_degrees((angle+angleShift), 'rad-deg'),// angle starts from -maxRadius -> have to add it here to count from 0 percent: convert_degrees(convert_degrees((angle+angleShift), 'rad-deg'), 'deg-pct') }, position: { x:posX, y:posY, pctX:pctX, pctY:pctY } }); angle += circle_distance; }); }// circle_distribution() function position_label($chapter, meta) { ////console.log(meta); $chapter.attr({ 'data-pct' : (meta.angle.percent*100).toFixed(2) }); var is_left = meta.position.pctX - 50 < 0, is_top = meta.position.pctY - 50 < 0; $chapter.find('.chapter-label').css((is_top ? 'bottom' : 'top'), 5); $chapter.find('.chapter-label').css((is_left ? 'right' : 'left'), 15); } function convert_degrees(value, operation) { if(typeof operation === 'undefined') operation = 'pct-deg'; var converted; switch(operation) { case 'pct-deg': if(value > 1) value *= .01; converted = 360 * value; break; case 'deg-pct' : converted = value / 360; break; case 'rad-deg': converted = value * (180 / Math.PI); break; case 'deg-rad' : converted = value * (Math.PI / 180); break; }// endswitch return converted; }// convert_degrees() function get_pctPos_from_pxPos(pos, parentsize) { return pos / (parentsize *.01); } };// History()